Installment payment can be provided for users who choose one of the lesson packages of 32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 144, or 240 lessons. However, it should be noted that bonus lessons are not accrued when installment payment is provided (except in cases of purchasing lessons without attending a free trial lesson).

1. Procedure for Providing Installment Payment (Internal Company Installment):
FIRST INSTALLMENT OPTION - applies to users for whom this is the first or subsequent purchase.
Package 32 lessons, package 48 lessons, package 64 lessons, package 72 lessons, package 96 lessons, package 128 lessons, package 144 lessons, package 196 lessons, package 240 lessons:
First payment – before the start of classes – 50%
Second payment for package 32 lessons - no later than the end of the first month (no more than 10 lessons taken) - 50% (whichever occurs first)
Second payment for all other packages - no later than the end of the first month (no more than 15 lessons taken) - 50% (whichever occurs first)
SECOND INSTALLMENT OPTION - applies to users for whom this is the first or subsequent purchase.
Package 32 lessons, package 48 lessons, package 64 lessons, package 72 lessons, package 96 lessons, package 144 lessons, package 196 lessons, package 240 lessons (second possible installment option):
First payment – before the start of classes – 50%
Second payment for package 32 lessons - no later than the end of the first month (no more than 10 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)
Second payment for all other packages - no later than the end of the first month (no more than 15 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)
Third payment for package 32 lessons - no later than the end of the second month (no more than 20 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)
Third payment for all other packages - no later than the end of the second month (no more than 25 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)

THIRD INSTALLMENT OPTION - applies ONLY to users for whom this is the second or subsequent purchase.

Package 32 lessons:
First payment – before the start of classes – 25%
Second payment - no later than 3 weeks later (no more than 8 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)
Third payment - no later than 6 weeks later (no more than 16 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)
Fourth payment - no later than the end of the 9th week (no more than 24 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)

Package 48 Lessons:
First payment – before the start of classes – 25%
Second payment - no later than the end of the first month (no more than 8 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)
Third payment - no later than the end of the second month (no more than 16 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)
Fourth payment - no later than the end of the third month (no more than 24 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)

Package 64 Lessons:
First payment – before the start of classes – 25%
Second payment - no later than the end of the first month (no more than 10 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)
Third payment - no later than the end of the second month (no more than 18 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)
Fourth payment - no later than the end of the third month (no more than 26 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)

Package 72 Lessons:
First payment – before the start of classes – 25%
Second payment - no later than the end of the first month (no more than 12 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)
Third payment - no later than the end of the second month (no more than 22 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)
Fourth payment - no later than the end of the third month (no more than 24 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)

Package 96 Lessons (third possible installment option):
First payment - before the start of classes - 25%
Second payment - no later than the end of the first month (no more than 15 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)
Third payment – no later than the end of the second month (no more than 25 lessons taken) – 25% (whichever occurs first)
Fourth payment - no later than the end of the third month (no more than 40 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)

Package 128 Lessons (third possible installment option):
First payment - before the start of classes - 25%
Second payment - no later than the end of the first month (no more than 25 lessons taken) -25% (whichever occurs first)
Third payment - no later than the end of the second month (no more than 50 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)
Fourth payment - no later than the end of the third month (no more than 75 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)

Package 144 Lessons (third possible installment option):
First payment - before the start of classes - 25%
Second payment - no later than the end of the first month (no more than 15 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)
Third payment - no later than the end of the second month (no more than 25 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)
Fourth payment - no later than the end of the third month (no more than 40 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)

Package 240 Lessons (third possible installment option):
First payment - before the start of classes - 25%
Second payment - no later than the end of the first month (no more than 30 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)
Third payment - no later than the end of the second month (no more than 60 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first)
Fourth payment - no later than the end of the third month (no more than 90 lessons taken) - 25% (whichever occurs first).

2. Procedure for Providing Installment Payment for Learning (External Bank Installment):

Package 48 lessons, package 64 lessons, package 72 lessons, package 96 lessons, package 144 lessons, package 196 lessons, package 240 lessons:
First payment – before the start of classes – 50%
Second payment - after one month - 50%
First payment – before the start of classes – 33.33%
Second payment - after one month - 33.33%
Third payment - after two months - 33.34%

In the case of external installment allocation (two options), the student receives all lessons at once on their balance. If a student, for any reason, does not make the second or any subsequent payment, access to the platform is closed, and lessons are suspended until the remaining debt is paid. If payment is not made within 1 month from the due date according to the contract terms, previously made payments and the lesson package are canceled and not subject to refund.

3. Procedure for Providing Installment Payment for Group Learning:

For group learning, 50% is paid before the start of classes, and the remaining 50% of the cost is paid at the end of the first month of classes.